Whale Watching

Ifaty/ Mangily Humpback whale watching season lasts between mid-June until the end of September. Mangily Scuba has two whale watching trips per day. The boat is staffed by one captain and someone who will explain the ecology and biology of the Humpback whale. The boat will search within a 5 kilometer radius of the barrier reef for the gentle giants. Once a whale or a pod is spotted the boat will increase speed until it is within 100 meters of the whale(s). The boat will continue to follow along side the whale(s) but always keeping a bit of distance so as not to disturb the natural behavior of the creature. It is important to remember, it is we, humans, who are encroaching in on their territory not the contrary.

Biology: Humpback whales migrate between Antarctica and Madagascar every winter in order to give birth in shallow warm waters. It is the same population that arrives year after year to the Southwest coast of Madagascar. The whales travel either in small pods or sometimes as individuals. The southwest coast of Madagascar is shallow, calm, and void of predators thus an optimal place to give birth to the young. (Mangily Scuba does not allow snorkeling with the whales due to the sensitive nature of pregnant mothers.) The whales stay approximately 3.5 months before returning to the cold, krill rich waters of Antarctica. Come and learn more about the Humpback whale!


Price Guide:

Minimum 2 persons: 200,000 Ariary per person