Bevato - A wall dive, the sandy bottom is at 26m and the top is at 17m. Marbled grouper, scorpion leaf fish, blue spotted rays, and a school of banner fish can often be spotted here.

Dippy- A patch reef site between 15m - 23m. This is one of the nicest coral patches on the exterior. Often seen as well are Javanese eels, nudibranches, cleaner shrimp, and porcelain shells. 

Canyons- This dive site is 18m at the anchor but it's average depth is between 12m-15m. This site is best described for its interesting, canyon-like topography. At the sandy bottom of the canyon is an average of 15m while the tops are around 12m. Napoleon wrasse often accompany the divers on this site.

Cathedral- This site is in the middle of the North pass. It is characterised by many tunnels, swim-throughs, and arches. The maximum depth is only 16m but advanced divers are preferable for this dive. Also due to its location, it is only possible to dive on calm weather and small tidal change days. 

Grotte Juliette- This is a drift dive through the South pass. On the interior divers will follow the coral wall descending down to 23m. Once you arrive towards the exterior the topography changes to canyons, arches, and swim throughs.

Massif des Roses-This is a shallow site of 5m in the interior of the lagoon. This site is good for Discover Scuba programs and Scuba tune-ups.

Vato Soa- This site is also on the interior at a depth of 8-10m. This patch reef is an example of a healthy reef in the Ifaty region and also good for beginner divers. In 2019, this site also become a community managed reserved.